
Feb 14, 2024
7 tips for making compliments that hit home
With a bit of wit, charm, and a whole lot of love, we can sweep the beloved people in our lives (or even complete strangers?) off their...

Feb 3, 2024
9 ways that mind-wandering can spruce up your relationships and sex life
By focusing too much on efficiency, you are depriving yourself of the brain processes that can do wonders for your intimate/sex life...

Nov 10, 2022
An app to discover your sexuality, one taboo at a time
Our newspaper baptism! Thanks La Voix de L'est for this detailed article about our mission, our courses and our upcoming campaign.

Aug 22, 2022
Bilingual newsletter
Want to receive our email newsletter in French? Subscribe here. Et voilà ! Aussi simple que ça.

Jul 26, 2022
Multilingual and downloadable
Thanks to our new app, Francophone people and people with no or unreliable internet access will be able to join us!
Once our new app is..

Jul 26, 2022
Campaign for our new intimacy app
Take a sneak preview of our short campaign video to find out what the next step in our journey to making our dream a reality is.

Jul 6, 2022
15 tips for great kissing experiences
Kissing is a lot like dancing. It’s all about: presence, connection, embodiment and variety. Get inspired for some very enjoyable smooching!

Jun 13, 2022
App-mediated intimacy workshops? How does that work?
Doing our app-mediated sessions can be as simple as: shutting your door, grabbing some headphones and a notebook and getting all comfy on...

May 24, 2022
Your sexuality is unique
Most of what we hear about sexuality and intimacy throughout our lives tells us that there are “normal” and “better” - or even “right” and “

May 20, 2022
Intimacy starts with yourself
We tend to think of intimacy as something that is about our connection with others. About knowing another person well: knowing their thought

May 19, 2022
Goodbye Sexplore, hello...
Although we love the concept of sexploration, we are changing our name! Many of our supporters told us:"Why? Sexplore is such a great name!"